You find yourself in the Double Switch game.
You're freaking out, but Eddie calms you down.
He explains that you're both locked in the basement but he's going to connect someone from the outside to help him escape.
And you along with him.
You tell him it's not necessary.
"After all, it has to be me, the PLAYER CHARACTER."
Eddie doesn't understand what you're saying.
> look pockets
You look in your pockets.
[You get YOUR IPHONE!]
[And your HEADPHONES.]
> open iPhone
You open your iPhone.
The battery is at Inf %.
A new application, ESS, has appeared.
You ask Eddie if he knows "ESS."
He tells you that ESS = Eddie Security System.
It's the system of cameras and traps that's everywhere in the building.
You're smiling.
This is going to be too easy.
> open ESS
ESS is open.
> camera status
[All cameras are ONLINE.]
> traps status
[Traps are fully functional.]
[None are set.]
Eddie asks what you're doing.
> ignore eddie
No time to waste.
You start to move from one camera to another.
> put on headphones
You put on your headphones.
> connect to iPhone
Headphones plugged in.
> plays Trapped by The Misfits on loop
The song plays on loop.
♫ You're trapped, trapped, trapped, trapped, trapped ♫
You're trapping intruders.
You progress through the Double Switch story.
♫ Baby, you're trapped, huh ♫
You get the security codes.
Eddie leaves the basement, he’s free.
You stay where you are.
You continue to progress "in the game."
Finally, with Lyle's help, you put an end to Eddie's evil plans.
He's locked in the basement again.
♫ You're trapped ♫
With you.
He wants to slaughter you for betraying him.
"I'm not your friend!"
With those words, you are returned home and out of danger.
Although you weren't really in danger
Trapped by The Misfits continues to play over and over on your iPhone, but the ESS app has disappeared.